You might notice a few hiccups, timeouts or slow-loading pages as you wander around Open Library over the next few days. The whole Internet Archive is migrating to a new virtual machine data center, which is no mean feat.
From Open Library’s point of view, that means moving data and services to the new virtual machine configuration, and making sure that everything’s running smoothly. We’re hoping this move will result in faster performance, and flexibility for increasing hardware and improving tools into the future.
Your patience is appreciated. See you on the other side!
UPDATE, 3:25pm PST: Our cover service is spluttering at the moment. That’s affecting the whole site’s performance. We’re looking into it. Apologies for the service interruption.
UPDATE, 5:40pm PST: OK. We’re pretty sure we’ve fixed the covers trouble. Yay! Also, we’re considering taking the site offline on Sunday evening (PST) to do the heavy lifting associated with the migration to the new virtual machines. We’ll let you know as far in advance as we can exactly when and for how long.
it is still closed. it was only supposed to b closed on the 7th for a few hours but todays already the 9th. theres a book i really need and itd b nice if the site would open up again.